Privacy Statement

  • This website is owned and operated by EMS Mobil System, Inc. All documents in EMS Mobil System, Inc.’s website are the property of EMS Mobil System, Inc. You cannot change, duplicate, reproduce, republish, download on any other computer, post, forward, or distribute any materials available on this website, including codes and software. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you can take printouts of the website pages for your personal use.
  • EMS Mobil System, Inc. has taken every measure and care in order to ensure that EMS Mobil System, Inc. website is free of any viruses and any other software with similar intentions but it is still the user’s responsibility to provide his/her own virus protection system and maintain required protection for ensuring ultimate security. In this context, the user agrees that the user shall be responsible for any errors in his/her own software and operating systems, and any direct and indirect consequences thereof, which arise as a result of user’s entering the EMS Mobil System, Inc. website.
  • Any information contained on EMS Mobil System, Inc. website is for introductory and informative purposes only. The user may in no way whatsoever claim that the “information” contained on the website is inaccurate and that the user has incurred any damages due to such information. The user agrees that if the user intends to perform a transaction on the basis of the information, he/she shall be responsible for receiving final and reliable information from EMS Mobil System, Inc., and that EMS Mobil System, Inc. shall have no liability with respect to any outdated information published on the website.
  • EMS Mobil System, Inc. reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change the website content from time to time, modify or terminate any services having been provided to users, and delete user information and data saved on EMS Mobil System, Inc. website. EMS Mobil System, Inc. has taken every measure and care to ensure that EMS Mobil System, Inc. website is error-free but no guarantee whatsoever is given for any errors which exist or will occur on the website.
  • EMS Mobil System, Inc. shall be entitled to search identity details of the user and disclose such information to legal authorities when any official authority files a criminal complaint against or requests an official inquiry about the user, or when the user is determined to have organized an electronic sabotage or attack to prevent operation or change functioning of EMS Mobil System, Inc.’s systems.
  • Due to nature of the internet, the information can flow over the internet without sufficient security measures, and such information can be obtained and used by unauthorized people. EMS Mobil System, Inc. assumes no responsibility for such uses and any damages arising from such uses. In some cases, your personal information can be collected. Examples of such information are: type of your internet browser, your operating system, domain name of the website which contains the link or advertisement through which you are directed to our website.
  • EMS Mobil System, Inc. has the right to change, replace or revoke without prior notice any clauses of its website’s “terms of use”. Any changed, replaced, or revoked provisions shall be binding on every user as of the publishing date.
  • This agreement shall be enforced in accordance with laws of Republic of Turkey without regard to conflict of laws. If any clause of this agreement is or becomes illegal, void or legally unenforceable, then that clause shall be deemed removed from this agreement, and validity and legal enforceability of remaining clauses shall not be affected.
  • EMS Mobil System, Inc. shall not share with third parties or use for commercial purposes any information about you that you provide on the EMS Mobil System, Inc. website.